北海道 遠軽町 様

世界有数の黒曜石産地、北海道遠軽町。 この街には火山活動が生み出した特徴的な景観が広がっています。 黒曜石も220万年前の溶岩の噴出によって誕生しました。 さらに黒曜石製の石器は町内の遺跡から大量に出土し、古代を生きる人類を支えていたことを物語っています。

The town of Engaru, Hokkaido, is one of the world's leading obsidian producers. The town has a characteristic landscape created by volcanic activity.
Obsidian was also created by the eruption of lava 2.2 million years ago. Furthermore, a large number of obsidian stone tools have been unearthed from archaeological sites in the town, which tells us that obsidian supported humans living in ancient times.

Director, Camera, Drone, Edit 伊藤 広大
Location 北海道 遠軽町
Year 2021
Length 3:56
Client 北海道 遠軽町 様

「ODYSSEY : an exploration to the north. hokkaido, japan」

北海道庁 様


In 2018, I travelled around Hokkaido, drone in hand, following in the footsteps of Takeshiro Matsuura, the godfather of Hokkaido.

Although it sounds good to say "retracing the footsteps of a great man", I didn't just visit the so-called tourist attractions. The footprints left in places where we spend our daily lives without thinking about them. Looking at them from the sky, we saw a dynamic, diverse and genuinely beautiful Hokkaido.

TITLE 「ODYSSEY : an exploration to the north. hokkaido, japan」
Director, Camera, Drone, Edit 伊藤 広大(HIROKI ITO)
Music 山木 将平(SHOHEI YAMAKI)
Narration 渡辺 克己(KATSUMI WATANABE)
Produition Support Li WORLD株式会社
Location 北海道
Year 2019
Length 7:54
Client 北海道庁 様