Bot Express社にとってのオフィスとは、森の中にあって、自然に囲まれて、 仕事をして、夜にはみんなで暖炉を囲む。そういった生活の流れに則したような場所。 BtoGサービスを提供する同社にとり、最も大事なミッションは利便性の高い公共サービスを実現すること。 そしてこのミッションと同じく大事なのは「メンバーが豊かに暮らすこと」
For Bot Express, an office is a place in the forest, surrounded by nature, where we work and gather around the fireplace in the evening. It is a place that follows the flow of life. As a B-to-G service provider, the most important mission of the company is to realise highly convenient public services. Just as important as this mission is the ‘enrichment of the lives of our members’.
TITLE 「山のオフィス」
Director, Camera, Drone, Edit 伊藤 広大(HIROKI ITO)
Location 長野県茅野市
Year 2023
Length 2:01
Client 株式会社Bot Express(ボットエクスプレス) 様
遠く聴く、潮鳴りの響き。打ち寄せる青い波と、水平向こうに広がる雲居の空。 風景を、宝石の如く彩る青色は、季節を吸い込む写し鏡。 日々を生きる港町の人々と、過ぎる時代を繋げる、小樽の街。 群像から浮かび上がる輪郭は、 この街の真実の姿とその魅力。 すべては海でつながっている。
Distant echoes of the tide. Blue waves lap the shore and the cloudy sky stretches out beyond the horizon. The blue color of the landscape, like jewel, is a mirror that absorbs the seasons. The people of the port town, living in the seasons as they turn. Those tranquil moments day to day the passing of generations linked together by the town of Otaru. The silhouettes that emerge from the crowd are the truth of this city and its allure. Everything is connected to the ocean.
Producer 福島 慶介/N合同会社 (KEISUKE FUKUSHIMA)
Director, Camera, Drone, Edit 伊藤 広大(HIROKI ITO)
Music 大村 紫乃/monq design(SHINO OMURA) - “The Age Of RU”
Location 北海道小樽市
Year 2022
Length 4:41
Client 北海道 小樽市 様
Hokkaido is divided into 14 branches. Among the Shiribeshi branch to which Otaru City belongs, six municipalities near the Sea of Japan coast are called "KitaShiribeshi". KitaShiribeshi is a place where the city and nature work together like a single living organism, and the pulse of the area beats repeatedly. Seasons, things, and people go round and round.
Producer 福島 慶介(N合同会社)
Director, Camera, Drone, Edit 伊藤 広大
Music 中村 友 (株式会社KOO)
Location 北海道 後志地域
Year 2022
Length 4:54
Client 北海道 小樽市 様